Filter Messages by Status

You can filter messages based on their Status:

Status Icon Description
All N/A Displays all messages.
Scheduled On rotation N/A Displays approved messages scheduled including today in the date range and with screens assigned.
Scheduled for later Scheduled for Later Icon Displays approved messages scheduled in the future and with screens assigned.
Unscheduled Unapproved Waiting for Approval Icon Displays messages that are waiting for approval.
Rejected Rejected Icon Displays messages that have been rejected.
Ended Message Ended Icon Displays messages that have a date range in the past.
Without screen Not Scheduled Icon Displays messages that are not scheduled to play on any screen.

For example, an administrator could filter for all unapproved messages to quickly approve them.

To filter messages by status:

  1. On the Your Messages page, click the status menu on the far right of the window.
  2. Select Status List

    Only the messages with the selected status are displayed.