Broadsign Ads Documentation


Getting Started

Welcome to the Broadsign Ads platform!

Create Reports

Use the Broadsign Ads UI to create your reports.

Retrieve Reports

Use the Broadsign Ads API to retrieve your reports.

Exceed Your Sales Targets

Broadsign offers another helpful product: Broadsign Direct. It has different pricing models. Create pre-set packages based on your network and audience.

Respond to leads while they're hot. Maintain client interest and close more sales by following up on advertising requests within minutes.

With accurate, real-time insight into ad inventory availability, your sales team always knows exactly how much inventory is available, and where.

Discover Broadsign Direct.

Complement your Direct Sales

Broadsign's automated, programmatic solution can help you reach digital media buyers and is the perfect complement to your direct sales efforts.

Discover Broadsign Reach.



By default, all images are in thumbnail format. To enlarge, click the image.

Search is based on keyword (for example, "proposals"). Do not search with natural language (for example, "How do I write a proposal?").