Splash Player File Organization

Splash Player connects to the Splash Cloud in order to obtain information about its configuration and download the media files it needs to play. This communication occurs over HTTPS (port 443). This process occurs at regular intervals. It ensures that the player stays up to date when changes are undertaken in Splash.

Configuration and files are stored locally so that the player continues playing in case of network congestion.

Folder Structure

The exact structure varies depending on the platform. However, inside the Splash Player's installation folder, the following are generally found after running the player at least once.

Folder Description
bin This holds the executable and libraries used by the Player. These are stored in version-specific sub-folders. This is the only folder that gets modified when updating to a new version.
cache This holds the cache.db SQLite database that serves as data store for the player. For details, see On-Player Configuration.
etc This holds extension data. Also contains the player_id file which preserves the player's identify in case the cache.db needs to be deleted and rebuilt.
local This contains all media files (images, videos, HTML files...) that are to be played. Forward-and-store files are stored in their own sub-folders. These contain XML files with player-specific information such as their geographical location.
log This holds the log files that can be inspected to diagnose issues.
tmp This holds the files currently being downloaded. Once download completes, these will be moved to the "local" folder.

Retention Plan for the Splash Player Logs

The retention plan for the Splash Player logs works as follows:

  • The player will allow the log file to grow until it reaches 2 MB. After this, it will rotate the old log and start logging into a new log file.
  • The player will retain up to 30 old log files, after which the oldest will be deleted.

See Also: