

content Endpoint

The content endpoint is used to pre-cache creatives for up to 48 hours in Broadsign Air.

The content endpoint also contains filler content in the contents list and has a list of "filler" with their relevant attributes. For more information, see Filler Content.


Note: Use the same version of the content endpoint as the other endpoints. For example, if you are using generate v2, then use content v2.

HTTP Method


Request Body Parameters

Parameter Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)

A user-defined Custom Unique ID identifier within the Broadsign Control Player system. It is intended to uniquely represent a single physical location or venue where the player is deployed.

string R

Uniquely identifies individual screens within a venue that are connected to the same Broadsign Control Player. It is a customer-provided opaque value.

The screen_identifier helps accurately track how many screens have confirmed playback of content, which is crucial for providing accurate proof of plays in Broadsign Air.

Tip: Using clear and consistent screen identifiers is essential for generating accurate proof of play reports in Broadsign Air.

The same screen_identifier (for example, "screen-00", "screen-01") can be used across multiple venues, that is, they can be reused throughout different player_identifiers.

This field is not mandatory but is highly recommended for precise playback tracking.

For more information, see Reporting Players POPs with Broadsign Air.

string O

Time duration, in seconds, covered by the generated Playlist. The default value is 1 hour (3,600 seconds). The maximum supported value is 48 hours (172,800 seconds).

For example, if the duration is 1 hour, the returned Playlist will cover the next hour. The total duration of the returned items may be shorter than the covered time, for example if there are times where nothing is scheduled to play.

See api.proto for definition.

google.protobuf.Duration O

Turns on or off Broadsign Reach pre-caching.

If set to True, returns no Broadsign Reach content information.

Not setting this parameter or setting it to False will return all Broadsign Reach approved creatives.

bool O