Filler Content

Filler content serves as a backup for scenarios where regularly scheduled content cannot play.

Since Broadsign Air generates time-based playlists, filler content comes into play in two specific cases.

Empty Slots in a Loop

For example, if your playlist has a 2-minute loop, but only 90 seconds of booked content, a 30-second gap exists per loop. Broadsign Air will automatically insert filler content to fill this gap. The details of this content can be found in the items section of the generate or generate_long endpoint (Parameters - Items).

Just like regular loop items, filler content items must be played at the indicated times. PoP tokens are provided for all items in the playlist, whether they are filler creatives or campaign creatives.

It is possible to track PoP tokens by sending them to the /confirm_playback endpoint (see confirm_playback).

Note: Broadsign Air filler is retrieved from the loop policy of the active frames.

Unavailable Content

Several scenarios may lead to the player lacking appropriate content to play at a given time, including:

  • When a playlist first includes new content, it may take some time for the content to be downloaded.
  • If the player goes offline for a significant amount of time, it may run out of scheduled playlist items to play.
  • If the content is not available, because it cannot be downloaded due to a misconfiguration.
  • If the content cannot be played on the particular device due to a misconfiguration.

The filler section of the generate or generate_long endpoint (Parameters - Fillers) provides additional information necessary for the correct playback of filler content, including its duration. The section offers available content from which the player can select when scheduled content is unavailable. This filler content serves as fallback content, typically not monetized, and therefore does not require tracking. It does not have a PoP token.