

api.proto Endpoint

The api.proto endpoint provides a formal specification of the available API endpoints and their data formats. The specification is provided in the Protobuf descriptor format. Broadsign Air uses the Protobuf descriptor JSON mapping as described at https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#json.

Click here to view the api.proto specification.

Note: Some fields are omitted from the output when they have their natural blank value to save on payload size. For example, omitted uint32 fields have a value of "0", omitted string fields are blank and omitted bool fields are "false". Broadsign recommends to use gzip compression and to verify whether your HTTP client requires an explicit "Accept-Encoding: gzip" header.




Tip: Right-click and select “View Page Source” for better legibility of .proto files in-browser.

HTTP Method