Broadsign Control Administrator 14.8.x
Version 14.8.14 - 8 December 2022
- [CORE-21700] Resolution matching for Ad Copy selection in a Bundle is now taken into account in the Media Compatibility Report.
Version 14.8.3 - 3 August 2022
- [CORE-21929] Fixed an issue where, when editing an Operation resource when a user’s system locale is standardized to use a 24-hour clock, the Between and And fields will only display in 12 hours time without the ability to set AM and PM.
- [CORE-22352] Fixed an issue that could cause Broadsign Control Administrator to crash when creating a Campaign Performance Report with Use Broadsign Direct goals enabled.
- [CORE-22068] Fixed an issue where, when finishing editing a Display Unit from a selection list, Broadsign Control Administrator will not keep the edited item selected.
Version 14.8.1 - 26 July 2022
- [CORE-21822] Fixed an issue where unexpected fillers were playing when there is decimal saturation for a campaign.
- [CORE-22159] Fixed an issue where the "Schedule coverage" field in the Scheduling Report did not take into account the Day of Week selection.
Version 14.8.0 - 6 June 2022
- [CORE-21395] Fixed a bug in which the folder hierarchy is not shown properly in the Campaign Performance Report.