Broadsign Control Administrator 15.2.x
This page lists the release notes for version 15.2.x of Broadsign Control Administrator.
Version 15.2.10 - 3 Nov. 2022
- [CORE-22629] Faster Loop Snapshot Report generation.
Version 15.2.9 - 2 Nov. 2022
- [CORE-21126] Removed a warning when generating a Loop Snapshot Report on a Broadsign Direct-enabled player.
Version 15.2.6 - 21 Oct. 2022
- [CORE-21080] Fixed events not respecting their day-of-week schedule on the day they are first scheduled.
- [CORE-20943] Fixed start/end time of a campaign changing unexpectedly when rebooking a campaign.
Version 15.2.5 - 28 Sept. 2022
- [CORE-21250] Fixed an issue where Ad Copies and Campaigns that were created from the button bar were hidden.
Version 15.2.3 - 2 Sept. 2022
- [CORE-22473] - Fixed an issue that was causing Broadsign Control Administrator to show one retargeting confirmation pop-up per added display unit/frame to a criteria.
Version 15.2.2 - 1 Sept. 2022
- [CORE-22398] Fixed an issue that was causing the search in Broadsign Control Administrator to return the results of a previously canceled search.
Version 15.2.0 - 26 August 2022
- [CORE-17884] XML_POP missing default creator section in config.xml.
- [CORE-21786] Fixed an inconsistency between the screen multiplier in the Performance Report and in the Campaign Plan Report due to dual-frame Display Units.
- [CORE-21247] When selecting a date to view the screenshot in the service panel, it does not take you to the selected screenshot right away, multiple clicks are necessary to get to the desired screenshot.
- [CORE-21120] Fixed an issue where the Status change was not saved in campaigns when also adding Ad copies.
- [CORE-21001] Fixed an issue where the Weekly event Day of Week mask did not match its schedule Day of Week mask.
- [CORE-20479] Fixed an issue where copying user group templates no longer worked.