Broadsign Control Administrator 15.3.x
This page lists the release notes for version 15.3.x of Broadsign Control Administrator.
Version 15.3.4 - 22 December 2022
- [CORE-22619] Fixed conditions not being saved when added in the campaign creation wizard.
Version 15.3.2 - 8 December 2022
- [CORE-21700] Resolution matching for Ad Copy selection in a Bundle is now taken into account in the Media Compatibility Report.
- [CORE-21997] Updated display behavior for out-of-scope resources when creating loop snapshot reports.
- [CORE-22051] Fixed some time fields not respecting the 24-hour format.
- [CORE-22768] Fixed some broken links to the documentation.
Version 15.3.0 - 15 November 2022
- [CORE-21331] Added a warning when conditions are used that affect the Share of Loop, when configured.