Broadsign Control Player 14.2.x
Version 14.2.14 - 25 Apr 2022
- [CORE-21712] Fixed an issue where an under-saturated primary campaign would cause the campaign in the secondary share to play too many times.
- [CORE-21834] Fixed an issue where the ratio of plays between primary and secondary campaigns did not match the stated saturation.
- [CORE-21676] Fixed an issue where a fractional saturated campaign in the primary share would be taken over by a Broadsign Creator campaign in the secondary share, after a few loops.
- [CORE-21257] Fixed an issue in which printed logs did not contain all the expected entries.
Version 14.2.13 - 25 Feb 2022
- [CORE-21553] Fixed an issue that caused folder synchronization files to be re-downloaded on every refresh period, in negative UTC timezones (for example, UTC-5).
Version 14.2.12 - 11 Feb 2022
- [CORE-21546] Fixed an issue where rotation between schedules did not take place as expected.
Version 14.2.11 - 29 Jan 2022
- [CORE-21353] Fixed an issue where Broadsign Control Player did not auto-rescale the display upon unplugging and replugging its HDMI cable.
Version 14.2.9 - 20 Jan 2022
- [CORE-21425] Fixed an issue where conditional campaigns did not play when expected.
Version 14.2.6 - 3 Dec 2021
Broadsign Control Player v14.2.6 includes all fixes from v14.1.6 (and earlier) plus the following fixes:
- [CORE-15364] Fixed an issue preventing SmartFeed from executing its associated script when the JSON file was large.
Version 14.2.5 - 22 Nov 2021
- [CORE-20216] Fixed an issue with Share of Loop and synchronized frames with exclusive conditions.
- [CORE-20451] Fixed an issue where deactivation of an Emergency Message caused the Player to turn off the screen.
- [CORE-21124] Fixed an issue that prevented generation of the Chromium log.
Version 14.2.4 - 26 Oct 2021
- [CORE-20509] The Monitor Sync manifest file no longer needs specific server headers.
- [CORE-21134] Fixed an issue where Broadsign Reach slots that lack content did not get replaced by pre-emptible campaigns.
Version 14.2.0 - 20 Sept 2021
- [CORE-19933] Share of Loop can now be specified in milliseconds (in addition to percentages). See Share of Loop Tab.
- [CORE-20062] Support for HTTP cookies in Monitor Sync (see Cookies Support).
- [CORE-20499] Scroll bars have been added to the player Debug Overlay.
Known Issues
- [CORE-20509] Setting up a URL sync for a manifest file fails if the endpoint does not return a server header.
- [CORE-21134] Broadsign Reach slots that lack content do not get replaced by pre-emptible campaigns.
- [CORE-20848] Playing HVEC/H.265 media with hardware acceleration turned on can result in unexpected Broadsign Control Player shutdowns.