Broadsign Control Server Release Notes
This page lists the release notes from every production version of Broadsign Control Server.
- [CORE-25068] Fixed an issue that caused Display units with duplicated criteria to be wrongly targeted by a campaign.]
- [CORE-24356] Fixed an issue where Broadsign Control sent an email notification if the day part had past or current dates, even when there were no campaigns on the Display Unit.
- [CORE-24522] Removed campaign start and end time for email notifications.
- [CORE-21704] The API returns the wrong type for
if none is set.
- [CORE-21547] Fixed a bug in which email notifications show the time in the wrong time zone.
- [CORE-21372] Fixed a bug in which a display unit that had overbooking protection set to on could not be removed from the campaign, then added back.
- [CORE-18443] Fixed a bug that causes the Enhanced Security Audit Trail timestamp to be empty.
- [CORE-17130] Fixed Slot Duration support
- When a Loop Policy is created with the “Slot duration is fixed” option, then the Default loop slot duration is strictly enforced for all Ad Copy playback.
- In the case of a video Ad Copy:
- If the video is shorter than the slot, the last frame of the video will be held for the remaining duration.
- If the video is longer than the slot, the video playback will be truncated. No incidents will be reported in this case.
- [CORE-17130] New APIs for Fixed Slot Duration support.
- /loop_policy/v10
- /loop_policy/v10/add
- /loop_policy/v10/by_container
- /loop_policy/v10/by_id
- /loop_policy/v10/list_one_from_target
- /loop_policy/v10/one_for_rebooking
- /loop_policy/v10/{id}
To activate the Fixed Slot Duration for a Loop Policy, set its “attributes” field to “has_fixed_slot_duration=true”.
- [CORE-17195] Fixed a bug in the API that the creation of reservations with start time later than end time is allowed.
- (POST) reservation/v20/add
- [CORE-17615] Fixed a bug that prevents the deactivation or renaming of a user folder or a group folder.
- (PUT) /container/v9
[CORE-16294] Enhanced Security Logging.
When activated, all API and user authentications pertaining to the Domain are logged and sent to the Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS). See Amazon SQS.
This feature is part of the Professional suite. To activate it, please contact support. To upgrade to Professional, please contact your sales representative.
- [CORE-14908] Brought back resource queries in /resource_query/v3/.
- resource_query/v3/query_by_id
- resource_query/v3/query_by_ip
- resource_query/v3/query_by_mac
- resource_query/v3/query_by_name
- resource_query/v3/query_by_note
- resource_query/v3/query_content_by_external_id
- resource_query/v3/query_reservable_by_date_range
- resource_query/v3/query_reservable_by_state
- resource_query/v3/query_user_by_username
- [CORE-15524] Fixed a bug that Incidents resolved from the Administrator do not get closed on the Player.
- [CORE-16297] Fixed an issue that causes Domain Quota Exceeded notifications to be sent when there is free space remaining.
- [CORE-16896] Fixed an issue that causes /skin_slot/v7/add to not calculate the new inventory properly.
- [CORE-16114] Fixed an issue that causes ingested Proof-of-Plays to not be included in today’s POP-log.
- [CORE-17348] Fixed a failure of SOAP API skin_slot_mgr_add_v7.
- [CORE-15818] Customized Proof-of-Play ingestion.
- Now you can supply “--custom-field ‘<json_data>’” to the remote_action custom_pop command that comes with Broadsign Control Player v13.2.0.
- The supplied <json_data> is reported to the POP log in Broadsign Control. If a Real-time POP server is configured, it is also reported to the Real-time POP server. See Real-time POP API.
- Please contact support to activate the custom field for POP log.