Cancel Active Campaigns

You can cancel a Campaign at any time, even if the Static bookings have been posted. It is still in the system but is inactive.

To cancel a Campaign:

Static Campaigns

  1. Access Operations in the top-left menu, click the Charting tab, and then the Campaigns tile.
  2. Campaigns

    This presents the filter search window.

  3. Enter the search terms needed to locate the campaign that must be cancelled.
  4. Click Search.
  5. Click the needed result.
  6. This opens the campaign record on the Basic Info tab.

  7. Click the Ellipses Button button.
  8. Select Change Campaign Status from the drop-down menu.
  9. Change Campaign Status

    This presents the Change Campaign Status dialogue box.

    Change Campaign Status

    The specific options at your company may differ but the default options are Proposal, Limited Hold, Unlimited Hold, Contract Pending, Contracted and Cancelled. The options displayed depend on the status of your Campaign. See Campaign Status.

  10. Ensure that Cancelled is selected.
  11. Click OK.
  12. This presents a confirmation dialogue box.

  13. Click OK to confirm.
  14. There will be a pause as the system records are updated. When the cancellation is processed, the now-cancelled campaign's Basic Info screen is shown.

See also: