Saleability and Retirement Dates

It is possible to configure the retirement date for faces, face packs, and sites. When that date occurs, a notification is sent to the sales team, which decides what happens to the affected bookings.

Note: Retiring a Site requires editorial rights to the Asset management section of the Static Campaigns module.

A site inherits saleability from the faces:

  • The first Face assigned to the Site that is saleable represents the Site Saleability Start Date (Face start date)
  • The last Face to be retired that is assigned to the Site represents the Site Retired Date (Face end date)

To set the Saleability and Retirement Date:

Static Campaigns

  1. Access Operations in the top-left menu, click the Assets tab, and then the Faces or Face Packs tile.
  2. Faces

    This presents the filter search window.

  3. Enter the search terms required to locate the face or face pack for which to configure saleable or retirement dates.
  4. Click Search.
  5. In the search result, locate the needed face or face pack and click it.
  6. This opens the face or face pack record’s Basic Info screen.

    Face Basic Info

  7. Click the Edit button button to make the screen editable.
  8. Scroll down to the Saleability section.
  9. This section differs depending on if you are in a Face or Face Pack.

    To retire a Face:

    • The Start Date and Face Retired Reason fields are mandatory.
    • Enter a date in the Retired as of field. This enables the Face Retired Reason drop-down menu. Select a reason from it. The reasons will differ for each client.
    • Saleability

    • For a face to be active, the start date must be at least the current date and the Saleable check box must be enabled.
    • If the start date is set but the Saleable check box is not enabled, then the asset will show up in avails searches but will not be purchasable.
    • Note: If a retirement date and reason are entered, the face will not be saleable even if the Saleable check box is still enabled.

    To retire a Face Pack:

    • Enter an End Date in the Face Pack's Saleability section.
    • Saleability

  10. Click Save changes.
  11. Note: If this is the Site's only face, the Site will now also be retired. Otherwise, retire the other faces at this Site as well.

See Also: