How to Preview an HTML5 Creative

Preview an HTML5 Creative

If you want to preview HTML5 creatives in Broadsign Reach, you must first create them as compliant dynamic HTML5 packages in Broadsign Control.

There are several tools and reference materials that aid the development and implementation of dynamic content on Broadsign Control Player. You must specifically use the BroadSignPlay() function, which allows the Broadsign Control Player to call special JavaScript functions when a web page is about to appear on screen.

The BroadsignPlay() function is not automatically injected into the content, so you must create it that way.

The content served through the HTML template may be controlled remotely by a buyer or it may simply be a dynamic template that changes the onscreen content by accessing locally-stored content that is included in the HTML package.

For more information on dynamic content, refer to Dynamic Content in the Broadsign Control Player documentation.

For specific information on the BroadsignPlay() function, refer to BroadsignPlay() in the Broadsign Control Player documentation.