Broadsign Control Administrator 14.1.x
Version 14.1.7 - 11 Nov 2021
- [CORE-20740] Fixed an issue where Display Units that had been cloned may have some campaigns missing in their campaign calendar report.
Version 14.1.4 - 4 Oct 2021
- [CORE-21039] Fixed an issue that caused the player to lock up when all the Campaigns associated with a Share of Loop category had a saturation of zero.
Version 14.1.3 - 3 Sep 2021
- [CORE-19393] Fixed an issue that caused the Loop Snapshot Report to treat filler material as undownloaded content.
- [CORE-19857] Fixed an issue that prevented map views when using a Broadsign Control Administrator proxy.
- [CORE-20142] Fixed an issue where creating a Campaign using the Campaign button on the ribbon caused it to receive a Customer ID of zero, instead of inheriting it from the customer folder in which the campaign was created.
- [CORE-20498] Fixed an issue where timestamps were not displayed in the local time.
- [CORE-20955] Fixed an issue where a Campaign appeared as partially booked to a frame when in fact it is fully booked.
Version 14.1.1 - 25 Jun 2021
- [CORE-19528] Fixed an issue causing the Scheduling report to crash on large domains.
- [CORE-19988] Fixed an issue causing the Batch Loop Snapshot report to crash.
- [CORE-20003] Fixed an issue causing the Scheduling report to crash with the following error: “Unexpected Error E0016734”.
- [CORE-20075] Fixed an issue causing the estimated repetitions in the Campaign Performance Report to be slightly off (for example, by 1 repetition) under particular circumstances.
- [CORE-20319] Fixed an issue in which transferring a campaign into a customer folder made it no longer visible in the UI. In addition, fixed an issue preventing the transfer of customers between customer folders.
- [CORE-20418] Fixed an issue that caused Broadsign Control Administrator to disregard proxy settings for log-ins.
Version 14.1.0 - 21 May 2021
- [CORE-16343] Batch Campaign Performance Report by Date Range. See Batch Campaign Performance Report.
- [CORE-19973] Display Unit Address in Campaign Performance Report. See Performance Report View Selection Page.
- [CORE-20024] Campaign Performance Report per Week. See Performance Report View Selection Page.
- [CORE-20092] Persistent Setting for Bundle Auto-synchronization.
- [CORE-20147] Campaign Performance Report by Date Range. See Performance Report View Selection Page.
- [CORE-18315] Fixed an issue where the Loop Snapshot report showed empty iterations for a campaign with more than one schedule and a bundle with no ad copy (instead of skipping the empty bundle).
- [CORE-18740] Fixed a Share of Loop issue that could sometimes cause category separation to fail for undersaturated campaigns.
- [CORE-19055] Fixed an issue where generating multiple reports from the same search result caused a report to be generated for the wrong resource.
- [CORE-19524] Fixed an issue in which audience settings were not cloned properly when cloning from older configuration profiles.
- [CORE-19926] Fixed a Share of Loop issue causing unexpected behavior with preemptible campaigns.
- [CORE-19940] Fixed an issue causing Broadsign Control Player to strip parameters from query when using a manifest file with monitor sync.
- [CORE-19991] Fixed an issue in which special characters prevented proof of plays from reporting.
- [CORE-20072] Fixed an issue that caused the Campaign Performance report to double the number of Display Units in the report header area upon rebooking.
- [CORE-20163] Fixed an issue that caused exporting Campaign Performance Reports to a CSV file to fail.
- [CORE-20186] Fixed an issue causing the Campaign Performance report wizard to propose an invalid date range.
- [CORE-20240] Fixed an issue in which the Loop Snapshot Report was showing the incorrect Ad Copy.
- [CORE-20245] Fixed a spurious error message when using the Audit Trail for Broadsign Direct.
- [CORE-20269] Fixed an issue in which overbooking protection could cause the rebooking of a campaign to fail.
- [CORE-20484] Fixed an issue causing some DLLs to be flagged as malware (false positives).
- [CORE-20002] In previous releases, the Broadsign Control Administrator could connect to the Broadsign Server without certificate validation. As of v14.1, certificate validation is mandatory, and the option to use self-signed certificates has been removed from the UI.
Known Issues
- [CORE-19988] On large domains and in some circumstances, the Loop Snapshot Report may crash the Broadsign Control Administrator.
- [CORE-20075] In some circumstances, the estimated repetitions in the Campaign Performance Report are slightly off (for example, by 1 repetition).
- [CORE-20267] Events do not respect the slot duration in loops with slots of fixed length (“fixed slot duration”).
- [CORE-20428] When selecting to generate a Campaign Performance Report by date range, some elements of the report reflect the total flight duration of the campaign and not the date range filter: Display Units in folder section, Display Units in folder summary section, Display unit groups section, Planned Display Units header, Display Unit to Date header, Groups to Date header, and Total Screens header.