Broadsign Control Administrator 14.5.x
Version 14.5.8 - 13 July 2022
- [CORE-21719] Fixed an issue where generating the Loop Snapshot Report (LSR) in Broadsign Control Administrator takes more time than usual, and then crashes Broadsign Control Administrator when closing the LSR.
Version 14.5.7 - 5 July 2022
- [CORE-21073] Fixed an issue that prevented users from adding Ad copies to an existing event.
Version 14.5.3 - 9 May 2022
- [CORE-17728] Fixed an issue that caused the Broadsign Direct external saturation values to be ignored by the Loop Snapshot Report.
Version 14.5.0 - 15 Feb 2022
- [CORE-19660] It is now possible to make use of Broadsign Direct campaign goal values in the Campaign Performance Report. See Campaign Performance Report.
- [CORE-20501] A new email notification type has been added, to signal when any share of loop share is without content. See No Scheduled Campaigns on Any Share.
- [CORE-20292] A new email notification type has been added, to signal when emergency messaging is active. See Emergency Message Activated and Playback Incidents.
- [CORE-21090] Automatic resolution matching has been improved to take screen orientation into account. See Ad Copy Criteria and Resolution Matching.
- [CORE-21163] When cutting and pasting text into a Broadsign Control Administrator resource name field, problematic characters are stripped out. This includes carriage returns, newlines and tabs, etc. A stripped out character is replaced with a space.
- [CORE-21111] Broadsign Control Administrator and Broadsign Control Player are compatible with Windows 11.
Note: This feature is being released on a per-domain basis. If you would like to use it, contact Broadsign Services.
- [CORE-21208] Fixed an issue that prevented the Loop Snapshot Report from generating when the loop contained a slot of unlimited duration.