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The condition_schedule_mgr_list_many method lists details of specific condition schedules, associated with display units, on your domain.


Parameter Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
ids A comma-delimited list of the unique ID#s of condition schedules you want to list. string R
domain_id The unique ID# of your domain. bstypes:ResourceId O

Return Values

Value Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
id The unique ID# of the condition schedule. bstypes:ResourceId R
active Indicates whether or not the resource is active. boolean R
domain_id The unique ID# of your domain. bstypes:ResourceId R
parent_id The unique ID# of the parent condition. bstypes:ResourceId R
all_days Indicates whether or not you have configured the condition to be active on all days of the week. boolean R
start_date The start date of the condition schedule. bstypes:SimpleDate R
end_date The end date of the condition schedule. bstypes:SimpleDate R

The bitmask value of the days on which the condition schedule is active.

The value is the sum of the individual values of each day of the week, which are incrementing powers of 2 (for example, Monday is 1 (2^0) and Sunday is 64 (2^6)).

Note: To target every day of the week, set the value to "127".

int R
all_times Indicates whether or not you have configured the condition to be active at all times of the day. boolean R
start_time_type The type of start time:
  • 0 = Absolute
  • 1 = Relative
bstypes:ConditionScheduleTimeType R
absolute_start_time The absolute start time of the condition schedule, if selected. bstypes:SimpleTime R
relative_start_time_value The relative start time, if selected. int R
relative_start_time_unit The unit of time used for relative start time:
  • 0 = Seconds
  • 1 = Minutes
  • 2 = Hours
bstypes:ConditionScheduleTimeUnit R
end_time_type The type of end time:
  • 0 = Absolute
  • 1 = Relative
bstypes:ConditionScheduleTimeType R
absolute_end_time The absolute end time of the condition schedule, if selected. bstypes:SimpleTime R
relative_end_time_value The relative end time, if selected. int R
relative_end_time_unit The unit of time used for relative end time:
  • 0 = Seconds
  • 1 = Minutes
  • 2 = Hours
bstypes:ConditionScheduleTimeUnit R
condition_always_on Indicates whether or not you have configured the condition to always be on between start date/time and end date/time. boolean R
condition_toggle_value If you have selected condition toggling, this value indicates the interval. int R
condition_toggle_unit The unit of time used for condition toggling:
  • 0 = Seconds
  • 1 = Minutes
  • 2 = Hours
bstypes:ConditionScheduleTimeUnit R