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The display_unit_mgr_list_many method lists details of specific display units on your domain.


Parameter Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
ids A comma-delimited list of the unique ID#s of display units you want to list. string R
domain_id The unique ID# of your domain. bstypes:ResourceId O

Return Values

Value Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
id The unique ID#s of the display units you are listing. bstypes:ResourceId R
name The name of the display units. string R
active Indicates whether or not the resource is active. boolean R
container_id The unique ID# of the resource's parent folder. bstypes:ResourceId R
domain_id The unique ID# of your domain. bstypes:ResourceId R
display_unit_type_id The unique ID# of the display type. bstypes:ResourceId R
timezone The time zone in which the display unit is installed. string R
host_screen_count The number of screens associated with the display unit. int R
enforce_day_parts Indicates whether or not day part enforcement is active. boolean R
zipcode The zip code (or postal code) in which the display unit is installed. string R
address The address at which the display unit is installed. string R
external_id This field can be used to store an external identifier for the display unit in other systems. Broadsign Control Player writes the external ID in its share directory in a file named display_unit_external_id.txt. Third party applications, or HTML5/Flash content, can then read the file. string R
enforce_screen_controls Indicates whether or not screen control enforcement is active. boolean R
geolocation The latitudinal and longitudinal data of the display unit. bstypes:SimplePoint R
export_enabled Indicates whether or not export is enabled. boolean R
export_first_enabled_tm bstypes:SimpleDateTime R
export_first_enabled_by_user_id bstypes:ResourceId R
export_retired_on_tm bstypes:SimpleDateTime R
export_retired_by_user_id bstypes:ResourceId R
virtual_host_screen_count The total non-Broadsign screen count. int R
virtual_id The unique ID# for the display unit from an external system. string R
bmb_host_id The unique ID# of the player resource used for fetching Broadsign Creator (or Broadsign Publish) ad copy, if applicable. bstypes:ResourceId R