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The display_unit_mgr_update method updates the details of an existing display unit on your domain.

Note: When deactivating a Display Unit, you must gather and deactivate all active Day_part(s) tied to the Display Unit (see day_part_mgr_update), then deactivate the Display Unit. Otherwise, the API call will not be successful.


Parameter Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
active Indicates whether or not the resource is active. boolean R
address The address at which the display unit is installed. string R
display_unit_type_id The unique ID# of the display type. bstypes:ResourceId R
domain_id The unique ID# of your domain. bstypes:ResourceId R
enforce_day_parts Indicates whether or not day part enforcement is active. boolean R
enforce_screen_controls Indicates whether or not screen control enforcement is active. boolean R
external_id This field can be used to store an external identifier for the display unit in other systems. BroadSign Player writes the external ID in its share directory in a file named display_unit_external_id.txt. Third party applications, or Flash content, can then read the file. string R
id The unique ID#s of the display units you are listing. bstypes:ResourceId R
name The name of the display units. string R
timezone The time zone in which the display unit is installed. string R
zipcode The zip code (or postal code) in which the display unit is installed. string R
bmb_host_id The unique ID# of the Broadsign Creator (or Broadsign Publish) player assigned to this display unit. bstypes:ResourceId O
container_id The unique ID# of the resource's parent folder. bstypes:ResourceId O
export_enabled Indicates whether or not export is enabled. boolean O
geolocation The latitudinal and longitudinal data of the display unit. bstypes:SimplePoint O
virtual_host_screen_count The total non-Broadsign screen count. int O
virtual_id The unique ID# for the display unit from an external system. string O

Return Values

Value Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
id The unique ID# of the updated display unit. bstypes:ResourceId R