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The resource_download_mgr_list method lists all the instances where the download of an Ad Copies took place. This may be from the Broadsign Server or an Edge Servers (Resource), to a Players (Resource) or Edge Server. If the optional parameter resource_id is specified, only downloads to that player or edge server will be listed.


Parameter Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
domain_id The unique ID# of your domain. bstypes:ResourceId R
resource_id The unique ID# of the player or edge server downloading ad copies. bstypes:ResourceId O

Return Values

Value Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
id The ID# of the download instance. bstypes:ResourceId R
domain_id The unique ID# of your domain. bstypes:ResourceId R
resource_id The unique ID# of the player or edge server downloading ad copies. bstypes:ResourceId R
content_id The unique ID# of the ad copy being downloaded. bstypes:ResourceId R
started_on The date that the download was started on. bstypes:SimpleDateTime R
progress The progress of the download. unsignedInt R
state The current state of the download. bstypes:DownloadState R
last_updated_on The last time that this download instance was updated. bstypes:SimpleDateTime R
location_id The ID# of the edge server providing the content for this download. This is 0 if there is no edge server because the Broadsign Server is being contacted directly. bstypes:ResourceId R
size The size of the ad copy being downloaded in bytes. This will show as -1 for external ad copies. long R