Batch Upload Designs

To batch upload designs:

Static Campaigns

  1. Access Operations in the top-left menu, click the Operations tab, and then the Batch Upload tile.
  2. Batch Upload

    This presents the Batch Upload screen.

    Batch Upload

  3. Choose the type of designs to be uploaded: Advertising, Editorial or Filler.
  4. Pick an advertiser.
  5. Only one advertiser can be chosen. This is mandatory and enables the Browse button. Click the Ellipses button to present a window of advertisers configured in your system.

  6. Click the Browse button to open a selection window in your browser. The window allows you to select multiple images at once by option clicking on Mac OS or control clicking on Windows.
  7. Click Choose once the selection has been made. A progress indicator reports the status of the upload.

See Also: