
Designs are the actual content to be posted. Chartists will use the Designs tab to upload, link, and edit design information to ensure that these can be found easily and linked to bookings correctly.

Add Advertising Content

Designs can be linked to, uploaded singly, added or removed, and edited at any time during a campaign.

For instance, you might work on several campaigns at once. In those campaigns, on a daily or even hourly basis, a chartist might jump between the four key campaign editor tabs to add and edit segments, and update designs.

Can Designs Be Uploaded Independently of Campaigns?

Yes. Designs can be uploaded at any point.

Can Designs Be Re-Used?

Yes. Once a design has been uploaded, all users may link to it for their own campaigns, so long as the advertiser is the same.

Are Designs Seen By All Users?


Are Designs Only Advertising?

No. Designs can be advertising, editorial or filler. These categories do not overlap.

What is Design Approval?

Some clients have design approval restriction. For those clients, the design must be approved explicitly otherwise it is not available, even though it is not otherwise restricted.

What Can Be Uploaded

Supported Image Formats

Static Campaigns

The Static Campaigns module supports the following image formats:

  • BMP
  • GIF
  • JPEG
  • PDF
  • PNG

See Also: