Adding Bundles in Alto

The Bundles screen lists all the media bundles linked to the account. Even if none were created explicitly in Splash, if there is a campaign running with one piece of media, a bundle is automatically created with just that one design for the campaign to which it was assigned.

It is recommended to manage your content via bundles for the sake of simplicity. If a bundle is assigned to a campaign, then editing that bundle will edit the content that is shown as part of that campaign. If a campaign begins with one creative and you add more, it will work like a standard Splash bundle and alternate content playback whenever the spot containing the bundle comes up in the loop.

To add bundles in Alto

  1. Log into Alto.
  2. Click the Bundles menu item on the main screen.
  3. Clicking on a bundle will display the contents of that bundle. From this screen, you can add and delete content from the bundle and also edit the valid to/from dates of the assigned media by clicking on the three dots icon and selecting Edit.

See Also: