Introducing CPM and Audience Cards

Audience and CPM rate cards are two separate items that create a price by working together.

  • Audience cards tell the system what demographics are in front of faces at any given time.
  • CPM cards are where the currency values are entered. Cost per thousand (CPM) is a marketing term used to denote one thousand advertisement impressions.

Splash calculates the price of the faces or face packs by factoring the audience card against the CPM.

  • A price can be defined for every hour.
  • CPM based rate card values are always hourly based. Pricing calendars and periods can be added to create additional granularity.

How do CPM and Audience Cards Get Linked?

Three elements are needed: the assets, a CPM card and an Audience Card. The face must link to both the rate card and the audience card. (It is also possible to link the rate card to a face pack instead of a face.)

Alternatively one can add links to assets within the Audience and CPM cards.

For example, within the audience card click the Faces tab. Within this screen, click the button to search for the faces to which this card must link.

The link to faces within Rate cards works similarly.

Note: It is not possible to link an audience card to a CPM card directly. Faces are what connect audience and CPM cards. (Logically it can work no other way since there is nothing to charge for unless there's a face involved.)

Similar Sounding Term

In general, rate cards refers to flat rates that are applied uniformly to the inventory no matter the time of day.

See Also: