Modifying Juice Proposals

Sales users can modify their proposals quickly.

To modify a Juice proposal:

  1. Log into Juice and click the Sales tab.
  2. This presents the main sales interface options.

  3. Click the Campaigns tile to show the filter search screen.
  4. Tip: If you viewed the proposal recently, it might be in the recently viewed entries beneath the Campaigns tile.

  5. Choose a filter on the left hand side to narrow down and therefore speed up your search request.
  6. In this example, select Campaign Status for your search filter.
  7. The specific options at your company may differ but the default options are:

    • Proposal
    • Limited Hold
    • Unlimited Hold
    • Contract Pending
    • Contracted
    • Cancelled

  8. In our example, we will use Proposal with the campaign name Example. Click Search.
  9. The records window on the right will refresh to show proposals only.

    Tip: Use the Show drop-down menu in the upper right corner to present more than 25 items.

  10. Once the proposal or contract has been located, click it.
  11. This presents the campaign’s details starting with the Basic Info screen. The different elements of a campaign are presented on the left hand side.

    The right-hand side windows uses pencil icons to show what sections are editable. Different users may have different permissions.

See Also: