Broadsign Control Administrator 13.0.x
- [CORE-16491] Fixed an issue that Campaign retargeting is not invoked when adding or removing Criteria from a Display Unit.
[CORE-14568] New Reach Feature: allow only specified Deal IDs to be bid on a Reach Ad Copy. Edit a Reach Ad Copy to specified comma separated Deal Ids.
- [CORE-14134] Fixed crashes when listing incidents in domains with huge amount of external Proof of Play incidents.
- [CORE-14604] Fixed SmartFeed to be able to parse JSON with the top-level element being an array.
- [CORE-14839] Fixed External Ad Copy Source Port limit, now it can be set higher than 32767.
- [CORE-15201] Performance improvement when going through the Campaign Creation wizard.
[CORE-13965] Fixed issue where non-playing Conditional Multibundle Campaigns prevent Preemptibles from showing in Loop Snapshot Report.
- [CORE-13259] SmartFeed: JavaScript Executor
- See SmartFeed
- [CORE-13124] Broadsign Control Live: Player Network Monitoring Center
- [CORE-13429] Broadsign Control Live: Cloud Player Sync
- [CORE-12553] Broadsign Control Live: BSP pushes poll upon request
- [CORE-12267] Broadsign Control Live: BSP sends screenshot upon request
- [CORE-11908] Multi-Quividi instance support
- [CORE-13757] Broadsign Publish support
- See Broadsign Publish, Configure Publish in Administrator
- [CORE-13647] Validate Custom Geometry percentage settings before applying.
- [CORE-13110] Ad Copy type x-creator is changed to x-publish. (behavior stays unchanged, only naming changes).
- [CORE-12854] Deactivating a Display Unit will now also deactivate the associated Skin Slots.
- [CORE-12514] BSA compatibility check no longer includes hotfix versions and will not block USB export.
- [CORE-13239] Improved user interface and user experience.
- [CORE-12812] Improved Campaign creation wizard performance.
- [CORE-12577] Improved Customer Campaign creation wizard performance.
- [CORE-11000] Reduced time for the licensing procedure.
- [CORE-13530] Fixed truncating of latitude and longitude to 4 decimals when Exporting / Importing addresses.
- [CORE-13010] Fixed and issue where 24-hour locales prevents setting of minutes in Day Part opening hours.
- [CORE-13002] Fixed the display of Quividi add-on configurations.
- [CORE-12804] Fixed BSA does not allow input of Event seconds on creation.
- [CORE-12616] Fixed a BSA crash when running insertion report for order with multiple items containing the same campaign.
- [CORE-12456] Fixed the display of Display Unit latitude and longitude coordinates.
- [CORE-12454] Fixed the saving of Display Unit latitude and longitude values when system is set to a different language.
- [CORE-12401] Fixed overbooking protection with multiple under-saturated Campaigns.
- [CORE-12208] Fixed an issue where Ad Copy transfers between customers goes to a wrong directory.
- [CORE-11919] Fixed an error dialog when replacing Ad Copy with a scoped user.
- [CORE-11490] Fixed an issue where Multistage Loop Snapshot Report does not show preempted playlist.
- [CORE-11442] Fixed Batch Download Report to show future scheduled ad copy.
- [CORE-8739] Fixed an issue where Ad Copy Preview stops as soon as another User's upload finishes.
- [CORE-1972] Fixed an issue where Display Type orientation is not applied to frame editors available pixel dimensions.