Broadsign Control Player 15.10.x
This page lists the release notes for version 15.10.x of Broadsign Control Player.
[CORE-26070] Fixed an issue where Broadsign Control Player's private IP in the player's service panel might be wrong when having several network interfaces.
[CORE-26001] / [CORE-26225] / [CORE-26226] / [CORE-26252] / [CORE-26281] Fixed enforce resolution and enforce orientation when using multiple monitors in undedicated mode.
[CORE-25742] Fixed an issue causing player dedication to break when upgrading from a 32-bit version to a 64-bit version on Windows. When upgrading to a new version of Broadsign Control Player, the installer will install in the previous installation's folder by default, ensuring that the player remains dedicated.
[CORE-26325] Fixed an issue with Broadsign Publish content resumption on synchronized players using time-based triggers.
- [CORE-26083] Fixed an issue to stop Ubuntu players from crashing when running an ad copy command on a non-existent file.
- [CORE-26274] Broadsign Publish ad copies can now play in sync using Broadsign Control Live synchronization triggers.
- [CORE-26112] Fixed crash when a filesystem error occurs while saving ad copies to local storage.
- [CORE-25873] Duplicate Broadsign Reach bid requests are now suppressed by the Player instead of being dropped at the server.
- [CORE-25954] Ensured Broadsign Control Player window adjusts to screen resolution changes and display connections and disconnections in maximized window mode.
- [CORE-25792] Fixed an issue where Broadsign Control Player was hanging when the playlist is made entirely of Broadsign Reach Ad Copies.
- [CORE-25063] Remote screenshots taken on players that use OpenGL orientation to rotate their picture will now be rotated to match their display orientation.
- [CORE-25715] Fixed issue where Broadsign Control Player would be unable to report POPs if over 4000 POPs that had been reported to Broadsign Control services had not been registered as reported in the player's local database.
- [CORE-24405] Fixed an issue causing Broadsign Control Player to not clear its local POP database when upgrading and changing its registration at the same time.
- [CORE-25766] Added a Shuffle option for Random Bundle Selection when using Interactivity Triggers. See Playlist Shuffle.
- [CORE-25753] Fixed an issue causing files downloaded via Monitor Sync to expire too soon or too late when the server time zone is different from the player time zone.
- [CORE-25818] Fixed an issue causing Broadsign Control Player to fill empty fields with the string "null" in POP logs.