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The config_profile_mgr_list method lists all configuration profiles (player or edge server) on your domain.


Parameter Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
domain_id The unique ID# of your domain. bstypes:ResourceId R

Return Values

Value Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
id The unique ID# of the configuration profile. bstypes:ResourceId R
name The name of the configuration profile. string R
active Indicates whether or not the resource is active. boolean R
domain_id The unique ID# of your domain. bstypes:ResourceId R
configuration Provides a complete list of the configuration profile's details, for example, Chromium activation, etc. string R
component_signature Default value is: config_profile_pages/1.0 string R
min_version The minimum software version to which the profile can apply, for example Broadsign Control Player v13.0 = 13.0 string R
max_version The maximum software version to which the profile can apply, if known. string R
parent_id The unique ID# of the configuration profile folder. bstypes:ResourceId R