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The day_part_mgr_list_scoped method narrows day partlist results.

Note: Avoid confusing "scoping" as we use the term in Broadsign Control, with "scoping" as we use the term in Broadsign Control API. In Broadsign Control, "scoping" describes the limiting of what users can see (see Scoping). In Broadsign Control API, "scoping" describes the narrowing of results of certain "list" operations.


Parameter Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
domain_id The unique ID# of your domain. bstypes:ResourceId R
parent_container_ids The unique ID# or #s of folders on your domain, used for scoping your results. bstypes:ResourceId R

Return Values

Value Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
id The unique ID# of the content on your domain. bstypes:ResourceId R
name The name of your resource. string R
active Whether or not the resource is in an active state. boolean R
domain_id The unique ID# of your domain. bstypes:ResourceId R
day_mask The bitmask value for the days of the week on which the day part will be active. int R
virtual_start_date Use the following value if the day part is valid every year or all the time: “1756-01-01”. bstypes:SimpleDate R
virtual_end_date Use the following value if the day part is valid every year or all the time: “8000-12-31”. bstypes:SimpleDate R
start_date The start date of the day part. bstypes:SimpleDate R
end_date The end date of the day part. bstypes:SimpleDate R
start_time The start time of the day part. bstypes:SimpleTime R
end_time The end time of the day part. bstypes:SimpleTime R
weight The priority level of the day part as a positive integer value. A value of -1 indicates that this is a blocking day part. int R
parent_id The unique ID# of the display unit to which the day part is associated. bstypes:ResourceId R
impressions_per_hour The estimated number of impressions per hour for the associated display unit, calculated for the day part. int R
minute_mask A series of values that indicate the opening and closing hours of a day part, in minutes per week. For example, "540-1019" indicates Monday from 9 AM-5 PM. string R