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The display_unit_mgr_add method adds a display unit to your domain.

Note: This method creates a shell display unit on your domain. A full and complete display unit includes a few other features: day part, skin (frame) and criteria. For more information, see Add Display Units (SOAP).


Parameter Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
display_unit_type_id The unique ID# of the display type. bstypes:ResourceId R
domain_id The unique ID# of your domain. bstypes:ResourceId R
name The display unit's name. string R
bmb_host_id The unique ID# of the player resource used for fetching Broadsign Creator (or Broadsign Publish) ad copy, if applicable. bstypes:ResourceId O
container_id The unique ID# of the display unit folder. bstypes:ResourceId O
enforce_day_parts If toggled to "true" (that is, "on"), ensures that players in a particular display unit are online and polling during its defined day parts. Boolean O

If toggled to "true" (that is, "on"), activates the "Suspend/Resume screens(s) according to opening hours" option.

See Opening Hours.

Boolean O
geolocation The longitude and latitude of the display unit's location. bstypes:SimplePoint O

Return Values

Value Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
id The unique ID# of the display unit added. bstypes:ResourceId R