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The reservation_mgr_list_by_du_folder method allows you to list informaitions about Campaigns that belong to a specific Folder.


Parameter Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
container_id The unique ID# of the Container/Folder. bstypes:ResourceId R
domain_id The unique ID# of your Domain. bstypes:ResourceId R
end_date End date of your Campaign. bstypes:SimpleDate O
start_date Start date of your Campaign. bstypes:SimpleDate O

Return Values

Value Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
id The unique ID# of your Campaign. bstypes:ResourceId R
name The name of your Campaign. string R
active Indicates whether the resource is in an active or inactive state. boolean R
container_id The unique ID# of the Container/Folder. bstypes:ResourceId R
domain_id The unique ID# of your Domain. bstypes:ResourceId R
state Indicates the status of the Campaign :
0 = Held
1 = Active
2 = Cancelled
3 = Held Cancelled
4 = Goal Reached.
bstypes:ReservationState R
start_date Start date of your Campaign. bstypes:SimpleDate R
end_date End date of your Campaign. bstypes:SimpleDate R
start_time Start time of your Campaign. bstypes:SimpleTime R
end_time End time of your Campaign. bstypes:SimpleTime R
duration_msec Duration in milliseconds of your Campaign. int R
creation_user_id The unique ID# of the user that created the Campaign. bstypes:ResourceId R
creation_tm Creation date and time of your Campaign (in UTC). bstypes:SimpleDateTime R
promoter_user_id The unique ID# of the user that promoted (set a Campaign to go live) the Campaign. bstypes:ResourceId R
promotion_time The date and time of promotion of your Campaign. bstypes:SimpleDateTime R
parent_id The unique ID# of the Customer that owns the Campaign. bstypes:ResourceId R
estimated_reps Estimated repetition of your Campaign. long R
reps_calculated_on Date and time the repetition have been evaluated last. bstypes:SimpleDateTime R
saturation The saturation of your Campaign. double R
default_schedule_id The unique ID# of the Default Schedule of your Campaign. bstypes:ResourceId R
media_package_id The unique ID# of the Media Package associated to the Campaign. bstypes:ResourceId R
default_category_id The unique ID# of the Category associated to the Campaign. bstypes:ResourceId R
default_segment_category_id The unique ID# of the Segment associated to the Campaign. bstypes:ResourceId R
default_bundle_weight The default with of each Bundle inside the Campaign. int R
default_trigger_category_id The unique ID# of the Trigger (in case of Synchronization) associated to the Campaign. bstypes:ResourceId R
default_fullscreen Indicates whether the Campaign will play in Fullscreen or not.</ boolean R
default_interactivity_trigger_id The unique ID# of the Trigger (in case of Interactivity) associated to the Campaign. bstypes:ResourceId R
default_interactivity_timeout Duration in milliseconds ot the timeout of an interactive action during the playback of the Campaign. int R
day_of_week_mask Mask the define the days this Campaign is set to play. int R
auto_synchronize_bundles Indicates whether or not we choose to let the Player Synchronize the Bundles automatically. boolean R
goal_amount Number of actions (impressions,interactions or repetitions) the when reached will end the playback of the Campaign. unsignedLong R
goal_unit This define the type of action that our goal_amount will be :
0 = Repetitions
1 = Impressions
2 = Interactions
bstypes:ReservationGoalUnitType R
has_goal Indicates whether or not the Campaign has a goal. boolean R
goal_reached_on_tm The date and time when the goal of your Campaign had been reached. bstypes:SimpleDateTime R
default_attributes The default attribute of the Campaign. string R
default_secondary_sep_category_ids The unique ID# of the secondary Category associated to the Campaign. string R
bmb_host_id The unique ID# of the player that will be used to preview Creator messages. bstypes:ResourceId R
booking_state The booking state of the Campaign. bstypes:BookingState R
booking_state_calculated_on The date and time when the booking state of your Campaign had been calculated. bstypes:SimpleDateTime R