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The reservation_mgr_update method allows you to update an existing campaign.


Parameter Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
id The unique ID# of your campaign. bstypes:ResourceId R
name The name of your campaign. string R
active Indicates whether the resource is in an active or inactive state. boolean O
container_id The unique ID# of the container/folder. bstypes:ResourceId O
domain_id The unique ID# of your domain. bstypes:ResourceId R
state Indicates the status of the campaign:
  • 0 = Held
  • 1 = Active
  • 2 = Cancelled
  • 3 = Held Cancelled
  • 4 = Goal Reached
bstypes:ReservationState R
parent_id The unique ID# of the customer that owns the campaign. bstypes:ResourceId O
default_category_id The unique ID# of the category associated to the campaign. bstypes:ResourceId O
default_segment_category_id The unique ID# of the Segment associated to the campaign. bstypes:ResourceId O
default_bundle_weight The default with of each bundle inside the campaign. int O
default_trigger_category_id The unique ID# of the trigger (in case of synchronization) associated to the campaign. bstypes:ResourceId O
default_fullscreen Indicates whether the campaign will play in fullscreen or not. boolean O
default_interactivity_trigger_id The unique ID# of the trigger (in case of interactivity) associated to the campaign. bstypes:ResourceId O
default_interactivity_timeout Duration in milliseconds ot the timeout of an interactive action during the playback of the campaign. int O
auto_synchronize_bundles Indicates whether or not we choose to let the player synchronize the bundles automatically. boolean O
goal_amount Number of actions (impressions, interactions or repetitions) the when reached will end the playback of the campaign. unsignedLong O
goal_unit This define the type of action that our goal_amount will be:
  • 0 = Repetitions
  • 1 = Impressions
  • 2 = Interactions
bstypes:ReservationGoalUnitType O
has_goal Indicates whether or not the campaign has a goal. boolean O
default_attributes The default attribute of the campaign. string O
default_secondary_sep_category_ids The unique ID# of the secondary category associated to the campaign. string O
bmb_host_id The unique ID# of the player that will be used to preview Broadsign Creator (or Broadsign Publish) messages. bstypes:ResourceId O

Return Values

Value Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
id The unique ID# of your campaign. bstypes:ResourceId R