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The resource_bandwidth_mgr_list method allows lists total usage (in bytes) of specific users, players or edge servers.


Parameter Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
domain_id The unique ID# of your domain. bstypes:ResourceId R
resource_id The unique ID# of the user, player or edge server the details of whose usage you want to list. bstypes:ResourceId R

Return Values

Value Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
id The unique ID# of your entry in the database. bstypes:ResourceId R
resource_id The unique ID# of the user, player or edge server. bstypes:ResourceId R
domain_id The unique ID# of your domain. bstypes:ResourceId R
year The year for which BroadSign calculated the total usage. unsignedInt R
month The month for which BroadSign calculated the total usage. unsignedInt R
total_bytes The total amount of data downloaded (or uploaded) by the resource. unsignedLong R