User accounts provide access to Broadsign Control Products. They are password-protected. A network administrator, or user with permission to create and modify other users, sets the password initially.
When a user requests to log in to the network, Broadsign Server verifies that the login information is correct. It then grants access and permissions to perform tasks on the network based on the user's assigned user groups and privileges.
Note: We recommend that you add privileges to a group, instead of an individual user. Then, add users to the groups with the relevant privileges. Each user can be a member of multiple groups.
The "Users and User Groups" training video is part of the "Network Operations" playlist:
- 1 of 5: Users and User Groups (below)
- 2 of 5: Contacts
- 3 of 5: Scoping
- 4 of 5: Monitoring
- 5 of 5: Reporting
Note: If you are new to Broadsign Control, we suggest you start with the Network Setup playlist.
Users and User Groups – Describes how to create users, how to create and organize user groups, and how to assign privileges.
Users and User Groups
If you select Users from the resource tabs on the left, then right-click anywhere in the work area, you will see this menu:
- Add User – Opens the Add User Wizard.
- Edit User – Opens the User Properties dialogue box.
- Deactivate Users – Deactivates any selected users.
- Add User Folder – Opens the Add Folder Wizard dialogue box.
- Edit Folder – Opens the User Folder Properties dialog box.
- Bandwidth Report – Opens the Bandwidth Report. See Bandwidth Report.
For general information about adding, editing and deactivating resources, see Overview - Resources.
To add a user, use one of the following methods:
- Go to the Operations ribbon, and click on the User icon.
- From the resource tabs on the left, select Users. Then, right-click anywhere in the work area. From the contextual menu, select Add User.
By default, the Add User Wizard contains the following pages:
- Welcome – Name the user.
- Password Setup – Enter a password for the user. For more enforced security, the following rules apply when choosing a password for your user:
- A minimum of 8 characters
A minimum of 1 non-alphabetic character
- Username – Enter the username (login name) of the user.
- Scoping – Restrict access for the user so that they can only see resources in certain folders. See Scoping Tab.
- Groups – If you want, at this stage you can assign a user to a group.
Single sign-on is a system used to associate multiple user accounts with the same email. This includes Broadsign Control Administrator user accounts and Broadsign Creator user accounts. With single sign-on, the same credentials can be used to obtain access to all associated accounts. The Broadsign Control Administrator interface allows a user to quickly swap between other associated accounts. See Options.
The steps to follow are:
- In Broadsign Control Administrator, edit the user and set the associated email address.
- A confirmation email will be sent to the address entered.
When you first use an email for single sign-on, the first user account associated with it becomes the Leader user account. This can be changed later from Broadsign Control Administrator once more user accounts become associated with that email (see Credentials Tab).
To edit a user, use one of the following methods:
- From the list panel, select a user. Then, from the view bar, select Edit.
- From the list panel, double-click on a user.
These are the tabs of a user's properties:
In the General tab, you can find the following information:
- Id – The unique ID# of the user resource.
- Name – The name of the resource. You can edit this field.
- Active – If selected, the resource is active. By deselecting the box, you will put the resource into an inactive state. For more information, see Overview - Resources.
In the Credentials tab, you can find the following information and carry out the following tasks:
- Username – The username for signing in to Broadsign Control Administrator (also applies to single sign-on). For more information, see Single Sign-On.
- Change Password – Opens the Change Password dialogue box. Change the password you use to sign on with the username.
- Email – Shows the email associated with the user.
- Change Email – Opens the Change Email Address dialogue box. You can clear the existing email or add a new email address.
- This User is Leader for its group – Available for selection when the user has a confirmed email associated with it. When selected, the user becomes the Leader for all associated single sign-on users for the installation (see Single Sign-On).
- Public Key Fingerprint – A unique alphanumeric code that Broadsign provides for users integrating with Broadsign Control API. For more information, see:
Privileges Tab
The Privileges tab allows you to assign privileges directly to a user. This way, you can grant access to functionalities needed by exceptional users without granting them access to an entire user group. In short, privileges describe what a user can do.
Also, you can add, edit or remove privileges (if you, yourself, have adequate privileges). A description accompanies each privilege.
It is possible to only allow changing privileges on groups. This option, which can be enabled at the domain level, prevents users from acquiring new privileges, leaving the assignment of privileges to groups only. In that case, the Privileges tab is read-only. See The Settings Section of the Domain properties for more details.
For a tutorial describing privileges, see Add Users and User Groups.
In the Scoping tab, you can restrict a user's access to only network areas they need to perform their tasks. Privileges, described above, configure what a user can do.
Scoping configures where they can do it. Scoping permits the creation of several "subdomains" for scoped users within your own domain. Scoping can be defined per user or per user group for easier management.
Note: Scoped users will be able to view (if they have the privilege) domain level settings, but not edit them.
For a tutorial describing scoping, see Scoping.
In the list panel of explorer view, each resource has a column selector menu. With this menu, you can configure the list panel to display information you want.
To access a resource's column selector menu:
- From the view bar, select Explorer view.
- In the list panel, hover your pointer over the panel header.
- Right-click, and the column selector menu will appear.
Select as many column options as you want.
- Id – Indicates the unique ID number of the resource. See Overview - Resources.
- Active – Indicates whether the resource is in an "active" or "inactive" state. See Overview - Resources.
- Domain Id – Indicates the unique ID number of the domain. See The General Section.
- Username – The username of the user resource.
- Folder Id – Indicates the unique ID number of the resource folder.
- Public Key Fingerprint – Assigned to users that call Broadsign Control API. See:
- SSO Id – Each user, once they have confirmed their email address, receives a unique Single Sign-on (SSO) ID number.