Select Faces Manually

This section describes how to select static faces in the Campaign Builder.

Clicking Select Faces Manually opens the Static Line Item window, where you can choose which faces to include in your campaign. For more details, see Create a Static Line Item.

Note: The Select Faces Manually button is displayed only once static inventory is uploaded. For more details, see Set Up Static Inventory.

The selected faces are displayed in list form on the builder, each row representing a line item.

Tip: It is possible to auto-generate the name of a line item based on it own characteristics, such as start and end dates or a defined set of criteria attached to the inventory selected. For example, if the inventory selection includes cars that have the "New York City" and "Roadside" criteria associated with them, and those criteria are selected for the templatization of line item names on your domain, the line item name will be “New York City Roadside”. For more information on the templatization of line item names, and to activate this feature on your domain, contact Broadsign Services.

You can perform the following tasks on static line items in the Campaign Builder:

Edit a Static Line Item

Click on a static line item in the list to open the Static Line Item window, where you can add or remove static faces from the selection.

Remove a Static Line Item

To remove a static line item that has been saved but not yet submitted, click the button.

An item with the Held status cannot be removed.

Clone a Static Line Item

Create a copy of an existing static line item by clicking the button. See Clone a Line Item.

Amend a Static Line Item

Amend a static line item by clicking the button. This will open the Static Line Item window. For more details, see Amend Line Items.