Create Campaigns from Scratch

Chartists can create their own campaigns directly, without the help of sales users who submitted proposals in Campaigns.

To create a campaign:

Static Campaigns

  1. Access Operations in the top-left menu, click the Charting tab, and then the Campaigns tile.
  2. Campaigns

    This presents the filter search window.

  3. Click the Add button icon to show the Add Campaign window.
  4. Add Campaign

  5. Fill out the following mandatory information:
    • Name – Title your campaign in a way that it will be understood easily by other users in your system.
    • Division – Divisions are sub-sections of agencies. Select the division with which the contract was signed.
    • Advertiser – Name the ultimate purchaser.
    • Contract Number – An automatically generated number is supplied. It can be edited later.
    • Campaign Status – To have your campaign become active immediately, choose Contracted.
    • Campaign Type – Select from the list of types in the drop-down menu. You have the choice between New and Renewal.
    • Content Type – Select from the list of types in the drop-down menu. You have the choice between Advertising and Editorial.
    • Approval – Choose Pending or Approved.
  6. Click Save Changes to commit your changes.

A Difference

Unlike converting a proposal to a campaign, there is no cautionary message because no faces have yet been committed to the campaign.

This is unlike a proposal which may mark a significant amount of resources as sold.

What's Next?

Once designs have been uploaded, the chartist works in the Campaign Editor.

See Also: