Ride Postings

Ride Postings

Static Campaigns

The Rides feature offers a streamlined solution for extending the duration of static campaign postings without unnecessary duplication of effort. This eliminates the need to create new work orders, reorder materials, or reprint copy when the goal is simply to prolong the campaign's runtime.

Rides are particularly beneficial for static campaigns that employ consecutive segments with a consistent design throughout. By utilizing the Rides feature, you effectively signal that the existing copy and creative materials should be retained for the extended period, ensuring a smooth continuation of the campaign.

Imagine a billboard campaign divided into two consecutive monthly segments. The first segment runs for the month of June, and the second segment is planned for July. Instead of creating separate work orders and materials for each segment, you can use the Rides feature to extend the June booking into July. This indicates that the same design and copy should be used for both months, simplifying the process and reducing unnecessary work.

See Also