Link and Ride

This is the easiest way to do a large number of rides within a campaign. Users can link a design to the first face booking, after then ride the rest of face bookings. (If selected face booking by the user did not have previous face booking, Link and Ride will trigger an add posting.)

In this simple example, there are three faces with designs assigned to bookings for March 1-15. The rest of the period these faces have no designs assigned. Link and Ride also works between segments and functions similarly.

Link and Ride example

To link and ride:

Static Campaigns

  1. From within the campaign record click the Designs tab in the left navigation bar.
  2. Designs

  3. Enable the check box next to the design that must ride. Click the Available Actions button button.
  4. Select Link and Ride.
  5. Link and Ride

    The screen refreshes to show a filter search.

  6. Click Search to show the list of potential rides for this design.
  7. Enable the check boxes in the needed rides from the search results.
  8. Select rides

  9. Click Link and Ride.
  10. Returning to the segments screen, the Is Ride? check mark is shown in the Ride column for the selected bookings in this example.

    Is Ride? column

See Also: