Take Down Specific Postings

To take down specific postings:

Static Campaigns

  1. Access Operations in the top-left menu, click the Charting tab, and then the Campaigns tile.
  2. Campaigns

    This presents the filter search window.

  3. Use the filters to search for the static campaign that requires a scheduled take down. Once it has been located, open the campaign record.
  4. Select the Designs tab in the left navigation bar.
  5. Designs

    This presents a list of the designs that have been added to the campaign.

  6. Click the Available Actions button button.
  7. Select Schedule Take Down to Specific Postings from the drop-down menu.
  8. This presents the filter search window.

  9. Click Search to show all postings in the campaign or use the filters to narrow down the results.
  10. Enable check boxes in the rows of postings that require take downs to be scheduled.
  11. This enables a Next button at the button of the screen: click it to open the Schedule Take Down dialogue box.
  12. Enter a Take down date by clicking the date field and using the date selector.
  13. There is also an optional note.

  14. To have the take down work orders will be marked as completed on the chosen by the chosen bill poster, enable the Automatically Mark Work Orders as Competed check box.
  15. Click OK.
  16. To schedule additional take down dates for other postings in this campaign, repeat the process for those postings.

See Also: