Loop Conflicts

Conflicts between content types are almost inevitable. Fortunately not all conflicts are equal: two ads for competing products playing next to each other is a much more severe conflict than two pieces of similar filler content.

Loop templates ideally have been tweaked to avoid conflicts however in the real world actual player performance must be checked. In order of severity, the potential conflicts are:

  1. All scheduled ads must play.
  2. Manually-ordered spots must respect the manual ordering.
  3. Saturated booking lines must be as spread out as possible across the loop.
  4. All scheduled editorials must play.
  5. The loop length must be respected.
  6. Two ads with the same category must be separated.
  7. Two editorials with the same category must be separated.
  8. Two media files, regardless of type, with the same category, must be separated.
  9. Two ads, regardless of category, must be separated.
  10. Two editorials, regardless of category, must be separated.

Beginner digital schedulers will not be expected to master the compound subtleties needed to debug a schedule but they must become aware of these issues quickly.

See Also: