Sharing Dynamic Blueprints with Customers

There is an existing blueprint report in Avails. It creates a static report. However, the dynamic blueprint feature with inventory marking pins can be shared by sales agents with their customers over the web.

  • The HTTPS link is secure and password protected.
  • The online viewer scales spacing of the pins as viewers zoom in and out.

To share dynamic blueprints:

  1. Sales representatives log into Juice.
  2. Click Sales and then Campaigns.
  3. This presents a filter search window.

  4. Enter the search terms needed to locate the needed campaign.
    • The search filter Campaign Status can be used to search for campaigns that are still in the proposal phase.
    • The Site Number or Account Executive search filters are also useful to search for your own campaigns.

  5. Click Search.
  6. Click the needed result.
  7. This opens the campaign record.

  8. Click the icon at the top of the page.
  9. This presents a pop-up window with a web link and password number.

  10. Click the Copy Link button to place the link in memory.
  11. To copy the password number, select the password number with the mouse. Select copy using your browser functionality, typically Control-C in Windows and Command-C in MacOs.

See Also: