Screen Availability

When selecting screens to book a campaign (see Create a Digital Line Item), screen availability is crucial information to have.

The key pieces of screen availability are:

  • Avail % Column – This column displays the percentage of time a screen is free for advertising. For example, an Avail % of 80% indicates that the screen is open for bookings for 80% of the time, while the remaining 20% might be reserved due to factors like blocking day parts or pre-existing bookings.
  • Avail Slots Column – This column shows the number of advertising slots or opportunities on each screen within a specific time frame. It helps you gauge how many ads you can potentially book on a particular screen.
  • Fill Rate Column – This column represents the percentage of available slots already occupied by booked advertisements. It reflects how efficiently the screen's advertising space is being utilized. For example, a Fill Rate of 70% signifies that 70% of the available slots are currently booked.

Screen Availability information

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