Add a Campaigns Proposal to An Existing Campaign

Once you have searched for Static Avails and added them to your cart, you can add your cart content to an existing campaign.

To add inventory you have added to your cart to an existing campaign:

  1. Click the Available Actions drop-down menu.
  2. Choose Add to Existing Campaign.
  3. Add to Existing Campaign

    This opens the Select Campaign window.

    Select Campaign

  4. Enter the campaign’s name into the Campaign field, or use the selector button to show the Link Campaign filter search window.
  5. Note: If you enter a value in the Amount field, the system prevents you from making pricing errors. See Below Rate Card Prices.

  6. Select at least one filter then click the search button.
  7. Once your search results are presented, click the needed campaign name.
  8. This links the items in your cart to that campaign.

    Status messages are presented as the campaign is updated. The main campaign record window for that campaign is shown. From here you can continue to edit the campaign.

    Otherwise, close this window to return to the previous filter search window. It can always be modified further.

See Also: