Create and Edit Teams

Teams are a label for grouping users. These can be created and edited.

Once teams are created, they become part of the permanent record and cannot be deleted, only edited or unused.

To create or edit a team:

Static Campaigns

  1. Access Admin in the top-left menu, click the Workforce tab, and then the Teams tile.
  2. Teams

    This presents a filter search screen for teams in your deployment.

  3. To create a team, click the Add button button.
  4. This presents the Add Team dialogue box.

    Add Team

    Mandatory information includes a Code for the team and a Name.

  5. Click Save changes.
  6. This creates the team record. The Basic Info screen is shown and contains the code and name.

  7. To add members to the team, click the Users tab.
  8. Users tab

  9. To assign users to the team, click the Link button button to locate the user accounts necessary.
  10. For details about adding and removing users, see The User Record.

See Also: