Rate Card Duration
The Duration Type indicates how the rate card's prices apply.
Price | Description |
Single | Fixed price for the booked period. |
Fixed Month | Days of booked period are pro-rated to each month, which has a fixed day count of thirty days. |
Week | Days of the booked period are pro-rated per week. |
Four Weeks | Days of the booked period are pro-rated to four weeks. |
Month | Days of the booked period are pro-rated to the exact number of days in the calendar month. |
Two Weeks | Days of the booked period are pro rated to two weeks. |
Hour | For digital campaigns, when the hourly rate card is selected at the booking level, the day part of the digital booking line is used with the start date and end dates to calculate the hourly rates. |
Reminder: How it All Hangs Together
A rate card is not the same thing as a billing schedule. The rate card is what is used to determine the value of the faces for the time sold. A billing schedule is used to organize billable items into invoices according to a schedule.