Broadsign Control Administrator 14.2.x
Version 14.2.14 - 25 Apr 2022
- [CORE-21834] Fixed an issue where the ratio of plays between primary and secondary campaigns did not match the stated saturation.
Version 14.2.7 - 14 Dec 2021
- [CORE-21306] Fixed an issue where editing a Share of Loop produced an error message when attempting to edit its Loop Policy.
Version 14.2.6 - 3 Dec 2021
Broadsign Control Administrator v14.2.6 includes all fixes from Broadsign Control Administrator v14.1.7 (and earlier) plus the following fixes:
- [CORE-20684] Fixed an issue where criteria selection on a parent folder did not select the correct child folders.
- [CORE-20809] Fixed an issue in which not all selected criteria items were added to the campaign.
- [CORE-20944] Fixed an issue where Display Units were missing from the Batch Loop Snapshot Report.
- [CORE-21096] Fixed an issue in which folder items did not get selected if the folder was not expanded.
- [CORE-21097] Fixed an issue that caused Broadsign Control Administrator to crash when using percentage Share of Loop on large domains.
Version 14.2.1 - 29 Sept 2021
- [CORE-21144] Fixed an issue that prevented European users from logging in.
Version 14.2.0 - 20 Sept 2021
- [CORE-19706] Events are now included in the Loop Snapshot Report. See Loop Snapshot Report.
- [CORE-19933] Share of Loop can now be specified in milliseconds (in addition to percentages). See Share of Loop Tab.
- [CORE-19841] Scheduling Report includes Campaign start & end dates, and “last scheduled” end dates making it easier to see the flight of the Campaign. See Scheduling Report.
- [CORE-20062] Support for HTTP cookies in Monitor Sync. See Cookies Support.
- [CORE-20310] Schedules tab: Schedules Area is resizable with respect to Bundles Area.
- [CORE-20316] Schedules tab: Alternate rows in Bundles List now have shading, making them easier to follow.
- [CORE-20317] “Starts with” in Advanced Search exhibits intuitive behaviour (that is returns only resources that start with the string of interest). “Contains” was also updated with a more intuitive behaviour. See Advanced Search.
- [CORE-20258] Fixed an issue in which invalid characters cause resources to become not visible. Invalid characters are now automatically replaced with a question mark (“�“) character.
- [CORE-20268] Improved the error message presented when logging in with invalid credentials.
- [CORE-20515] Fixed an error that made the Display Unit Properties dialog impossible to resize, beyond a point.
Known Issues
- [CORE-21107] In some circumstances, the time to generate a Loop Snapshot Report can be excessive. For example, for a multiframe setup with a 10 hour event consisting of 30- second video clips, it can take up to 10 minutes to generate the Loop Snapshot Report.
- [CORE-20053] Archaic terminology has been removed and replaced with “Leader-Follower”.
- [CORE-20312] “Broadsign Mobile” removed from the UI.