Interactive Campaigns
It is possible to specify an interactivity trigger on a campaign so that if the screen is touched when it is playing, it will trigger supplementary content such as a catalog or web page. In addition, all the interaction events are counted in the proof-of-play reports. For a tutorial, see Interactivity.
The Options dialog in Broadsign Control Administrator, under Campaigns & Events contains an option for campaign interactivity. See The Campaigns and Events Tab.
When this option is enabled, the Campaign creation wizard and Media Package wizard will show an interactivity page when creating a new campaign. This option is turned off by default and must be enabled to set interactivity options in these wizards.
Once a trigger category is specified, it will be issued whenever an interaction event occurs, causing content with matching trigger to be played back (triggered).
The interactivity page in both the Campaign and Media Package wizards and editors allows to specify which trigger to issue when the interaction occurs.
It is also possible to specify an Interactivity Timeout value to set after how long the regular loop should resume if no further touch input is provided. The interactivity timeout is reset to 0 every time the users presses a key, or touches an object.
Note: The interactive triggered campaign is limited by its duration regardless of the timeout period. If you do not want the campaign to end too soon, you must either ensure that the duration of the campaign is long enough, or edit the bundle properties to enable both the Unlimited duration and Override slot duration parameters. For more information, see The General Section.
The interactivity trigger and timeout value are properties of the bundle. This allows for complex scenarios where different bundles in the same campaign can have different interactivity triggers.
However, the interactivity trigger and timeout can also be specified on a Media Package and/or the Campaign. When editing an interactive campaign and changing the interactivity properties, you will be asked if you would like to propagate these changes to the child bundles.
The campaign interactivity overrides the frame interactivity. Frame interactivity settings can be considered as the defaults, which campaign interactivity can override. When a touch event is detected on a Broadsign Control Player, the following logic is performed:
- Work out the x and y coordinates of the touch to decide which frame was touched.
- Verify if the touched frame is currently displaying an interactive campaign.
- If 'yes', then the campaign's interactivity trigger will be issued.
- If 'no', then it will verify if the underlying frame has a default interactivity trigger and if so, the frame's interactivity trigger will be issued instead.
- If no interactivity trigger is found, then no action occurs.
Broadsign's proof-of-play reporting system will record interaction events as follows:
- When a user touches the screen, a proof-of-play record is immediately recorded with an interaction count of "1" even though the ad copy did not play until completion.
- The justification of this behaviour is that the counts will reflect when the interactive advertisements have achieved their goal of enticing a user to interact with them. Therefore, regardless of whether the playback completed or not, every interaction will be considered as successful.
For more information, see Broadsign POP Log.
When generating a Campaign Performance report, in addition to showing repetitions and impressions, it is also possible to include interactions. An extra column will be added to the report with the count of recorded interactions made on the campaign.
For more information, see Campaign Performance Report.