Broadsign POP Log

Broadsign Control can send daily batches of data, from our server, containing proof of play (POP) statistics and content information. We pull the previous day's data from all players on your network.

A POP is considered successful when an ad copy has played the entire time length, with a tolerance of 500 ms.

Note: The total number of impressions is cumulative when the players are configured with the statistical audience files per time range (Statistical Audience). This also applies for the gender and age ranges.

Note: Broadsign POP Log is different from Real-time POP. Whereas real-time POP provides near-live data, Broadsign POP Log exports raw proof of play logs every 24 hours. See Real-time POP API.

Note: Before using Broadsign POP Log, Broadsign needs to enable it. Please send an activation request to Broadsign Services.