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The resource_criteria_mgr_add_on_media_package_frames method adds a framecriterion into the targeting selection of your media package. As a result, Broadsign Control Administrator users can create campaigns from a template provided by your media package, that includes your frame criterion.


Parameter Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
criteria_id The unique ID# of the frame criterion to be added to your media package. bstypes:ResourceId R
criteria_matching The manner in which your criteria will be used to match against frames. This falls in one of the three following categories:
  • 1 = "OR": Corresponds to "Matching Any Of" in the Broadsign Control Administrator GUI. The selected frames must contain at least one of the selected criteria.
  • 2 = "AND": Corresponds to "Matching All Of" in the Broadsign Control Administrator GUI. The selected frames must contain all of the selected criteria.
  • 3 = "NOT": Corresponds to "Doesn't Match" in the Broadsign Control Administrator GUI. If the frames match any of the criteria, BroadSign will not select them.
bstypes:CriteriaMatchingType R
domain_id The unique ID# of your domain. bstypes:ResourceId R
parent_id The unique ID# of your media package. bstypes:ResourceId R

Return Values

Value Description Type Required (R) or Optional (O)
id The ID# of the link between the link between the criteria and the media package, known as the resource_criteria. bstypes:ResourceId R