Frequently Asked Questions

Audience Campaigns
Can I use a previously used creative asset for a new campaign?

If you are creating a campaign for an existing advertiser with previously uploaded creatives, you can reuse those creatives in your new campaign.

To use existing creatives for a different advertiser, you must re-upload them under the new advertiser's account.

Is it more expensive to run a 30-second creative than a 15-second creative?

Yes, it is. The reason is that a 30-second creative takes twice the amount of inventory time on the supplier's screen. Therefore, it costs twice as much as a 15-second one.

By default, Broadsign's user interface bids on inventory for a 15-second spot. In the backend, Broadsign converts that number to a max bid per second and then multiplies it by the spot length in seconds needed by your campaign's creative.

Example: A max bid of $10.00 CPM for a 15-second spot will get automatically adjusted to a max bid of $20.00 CPM for a 30-second spot or a max bid of $6.67 CPM for a 10-second spot.

Why is my new screen not appearing?

As Audience campaigns need to collect a large amount of data regarding new screens, it can take up to three days for a new screen to appear. If your screen is still not there after that period, please contact Broadsign Services.

Guaranteed Campaigns
Why are some of my screens missing in the Contextual filter?

To utilize the Contextual filter for precise geographic targeting, ensure your screens possess valid latitude and longitude coordinates. These coordinates determine the screen's location and enable accurate targeting within the filter.

You can verify and modify these coordinates directly within the Display Unit settings in our Content and Network Management solution. Detailed instructions on managing Display Unit information, including location settings, can be found in the Display Units section of the Content and Network Management documentation.

Can we use the Contextual filter and Criteria targeting?

Yes ! You need to start by applying a Contextual filter and then apply criteria filter on top of that.

Also, we will bring criteria targeting inside the Contextual filter in the coming months to facilitate that workflow.

Will the integration with Salesforce still work after the migration to the Platform?


What is a Screen?

In the Guaranteed Campaigns module, a screen can refer to a single screen, a single frame on a screen, or a group of screens, for example, a video wall.

A screen is not defined in the Guaranteed Campaigns module.

Display Units, Frames, and Day Parts that your admin has set up in the Content and Network Management solution are translated into screens when imported into the Guaranteed Campaigns module. For more information, refer to On-Board Screens in the Guaranteed Campaigns Module.

What is a Screen Group?

Screen groups allow you to sell multiple screens as a single entity rather than individually. This enables selling based on quantity over specific screens and selling inventory as groups.

  • Screen groups cannot be created in the Guaranteed Campaigns module. They are created in and imported from our Content and Network Management solution.
  • A screen group consists of display units (screens) assigned the Grouping display unit criteria type. All other criteria types are not supported for creating screen groups.
  • Note: If a screen is assigned to a Grouping Criteria, it will stop appearing as an individual screen in the Guaranteed Campaigns module.

  • One or more display units must be associated with a particular criterion.
  • For example, the grouping criteria could be called Car 12345.

For more information on how to create a screen group, see the Screen Groups tutorial in the Content and Network Management documentation.

How is the price of a line item calculated?

The price of a line item depends on the type of buy used.